Lumbreco, organic fertilizer for Berries

General information

Lumbreco is a liquid organic fertilizer that has a high content of amino acids of vegetable origin, obtained by hydrolysis of plant meal.

Some of the most important amino acids contained in Lumbreco are:

  • Aspartic acid, which is a reserve and transport form of nitrogen.
  • Glutamic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll, regulates the process of opening and closing the stomata (regulates transpiration, participates in pollination).
  • Glycine - enhances plant resistance and is involved in chlorophyll synthesis.
  • Alanine - stimulates seed germination. Valine and leucine - enhance the dry and salt tolerance of plants, as well as participate in the pollination process.
  • Arginine - stimulates the development of the root system and the synthesis of growth phytohormones.

The integrated American extraction technology retains the high content of fulvo and humino acids, as well as micro and macro elements and growth stimulators.

  • Gibberellins - stimulate seed germination and increase leave size, harden the stem, reduce the interstitial distance, which reduces the percentage of lying
  • Auxins - affect cell division, root development and growth.

Lumbreco contains biologically active substances - actinomycetes, gram positive bacteria that produce natural antibiotics, which increases plant resistance to disease. Through foliar spraying, Lumbreco guarantees the active absorption of the soil fertilizers from the basic fertilization. A rich source of nourishing substance and growth stimulator. Increases the energy capacity of the leaf mass and photosynthesis. Strengthens the plant root system, accelerates the process mycorrhiza. Stimulates the beneficial soil microflora and serves as a soil improver. Increases the plant resistance to pathogens. Acts as an antifreeze, entering the cell membranes. Increases germination and friendly germination of seeds.

Method of administration and benefits

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, chokeberries

Berries have a shallow root system /except for blackberry and chokeberry/ and extract a great amount of nutrients, which determines the specific requirements for moisture and nutrient supply, especially when they are grown on poorly supplied soils of light mechanical composition.

Berries need nutrients throughout the vegetation period but the need is greatest in spring, when they form great amount of leaves and fruit organs, and at the end of summer when fruit buds are set for the following year.

Depending on the richness of soil and expected yield, the amount of fertilizers varies. With average nutrient supply of the soil after the main fertilization and with normal crop growth, we recommend foliar fertilization with bio fertilizer during active vegetation:

applied independently or in combination with other products

An advantage of the independent application of the biofertilizer is the lack of quarantine period. The fruit can be consumed right after rinsing. We also recommend foliar fertilization after fruit harvesting in order to set fruit buds for the following year.

Considering the mass use of drop irrigation systems, the bio fertilizer can be also applied through fertigation at rate of 1 l /1000 m2.

The use of Lumbreco guarantees the development of a lush foliage, abundant flowering, healthy and large rot-resistant fruit with excellent market value.

Application results and yields

After using Lumbreco organic fertilizer, berries become disease resistant. Lumbreco reduces the stress of transplanting and it promotes better rooting and faster growth.

The yield, dry matter and sucrose increase in the fruits. Increased coloration is observed and a more intense aroma.

Satisfied customer reviews and recommendations

In the regions of Pazardzik and Loznica, many of the berry producers are our customers. They prefer the product because it is easy to use and it has an extremely good effect on plants. They give high yields and the quality of production is exceedingly good.

Recommended dose and time of administration


3 times 1 l. per hectare or

2 times 1.5 l. per hectare



1-2 l/ 1000 m2

1 dilution - 1l. Lumbreko concentrate in 150l. water.


Lumbreco is compatible with most commonly used plant protection products.

Safety use instructions

Keep out of the reach of children! Avoid contact with skin and eyes! Use personal protective equipment, such as gloves, work clothing, goggles, when handling the product. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after use!


Lumbreco, organic fertilizer, is available in the following commercial packages:

T 10L S 20L U 1000L